Todoist desktop
Todoist desktop

todoist desktop

A Clickup Doc can link to other Clickup docs in addition to your existing Google Docs. Docs are similar to Google Docs (which you can link into Clickup as well). It can, for instance link tasks and projects to Docs. This may be overkill, but most Clickup features are free and it's an alternative to Todoist.Ĭlickup also has the ability in a limited way to link information. includes several queries that I hope are helpful for you: u/tb877: rather than screenshots, here is text but holler with any questions if anything you want more detail about.When I hear people say that pkms tools are overbaked, or that such and such simpler tool is superior, it always seems to come down to a matter of perspective: simple problems are best served with simple tools - but more robust tools are there for a reason. The only reason I’m even still using Todoist for anything is it’s ability to share tasks with my wife and background notifications. Todoist is a better task app for simple tasks like “get milk”, but as for managing numerous complex projects? It’s not even close to what obsidian tasks bring. The tasks themselves can also trivially contain links to other notes. No need to open a special app, divorcing my tasks from the larger context of what created them, and retroactively allowing me to easily see that context when working on the task. In addition, all ofthese are ranked by urgency which is a combination of priority, start date, and due dateįurther, everyone of these can easily have inline comments and sub tasks that are very easily added without clicking extra buttons to open extra views that take me elsewhere and remove my perspective of the entire context of the parent taskįinally, new tasks can be placed inline with any note I happen to be working on when I create the task. tasks due longer out, or without a due date I have queries on my daily note that show in one nice view right alongside my meeting notes for the day: I disagree that Todoist is a better task mgmt app.

Todoist desktop